in bloom

find yourself lost


you know its
when it makes you
chasing that feeling
ya start believing

in love
in us
you start beginning
to trust
that lil voice
that one you heard before
but chose to ignore
now you find yourself
night dreaming
crazy love thoughts
so crazy
find yourself lost

like when ya flip
two magnets
we can’t resist
coming together
forces stronger than us
unavoidable rush

in love
in us
you start beginning
to trust
that lil voice
that one you heard before
but chose to ignore
now you find yourself
night dreaming
crazy love thoughts
so crazy
find yourself lost

like a trick
with the treat
the magic
between you and me
yea i feel the heat
feel the

in us
yea im beggining
to trust
that lil voice
that one i heard before
but chose to ignore
yea im beginning to trust
the strength
the power
the magic
of love

they say to of loved and lost is better than to have never loved at that the same for writing? to of wrote and never be read is better than to never have wrote at all??? and so here are my writings for all the world to is a universal language, and im sure my heartaches and joys are shared by millions of people everyday, so hopefully you relate to what i have felt. "I was regretting the past and fearing the future. Suddenly God was speaking, "My name is 'I am'". I waited. God continued, "When you live in the past, with its mistakes and regrets, it is hard. I am not there. My name is not 'I was.' When you live in the future, with its problems and fears, it is hard. I am not there. My name is not 'I will be.' When you live in this moment, it is not hard. I am here. My name is 'I am.' As seen on the kitchen wall of Saint Benedict´s Monastery. Who is SheRocks??? Just a gurl who has been through the ups and downs of love and then some :-) These are some of the writings I have written throughout the years, and continually writing.

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